With A Sprinkle Of Cinnamon
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Name: Marissa
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Re: Post pictures of your pets! -
August 5th 2011, 12:46 AM
I can't believe I haven't bragged here yet. Get ready for picture overload. I'll refrain to one picture of each, for your computer's safety. I'm also going to post a few pictures of pets I've had that died within the past couple years. I've also almost always had a variety of fish, ranging from a tank full of tropical face, to a red tailed shark, goldfish, shrimp, and of course Betas. But I'll refrain from posting pictures of fish. lol In the past I've also had a hamster and some frogs. But I can't seem to find pictures of them, even though I know I took a lot. Oh wells.
And yes, I take care of all these pets mostly by myself. The cats me mom mostly takes care of, I'm just asked to scoop the box every now and then when she's busy, and I usually feed them as well. (Stupid fat cat.) The dogs I also share with my mom, though instead of mostly her taking care of them, it's mostly me and she feeds them when I can't. Usually in the mornings, since my Sophie HAS to be up and gotten her shot by 8am or so. Anyway, enough rambling.
Ppunk, my hedgehog eating is favorite food, worms. You shouldn't refrigerate him 

This was taken last Christmas, Sophie the yellow lab on the right, and Hugo the mix on the left. Sophie's diabetic Poor her

My Leopard Gecko Jane with a very dirty home I took this picture a long time ago, she's in a much better set up now. ._.

I even kept and named a caterpillar, who is apparently poisonous. His name was Jerry

This was my snail I had a year or so ago, his name was Marcus. He liked to hug his duck.

This is a not very flattering picture of my bird, Birney. He really didn't like the camera. 

My very, very 18 year old cat Jasmine

And my 15 or something year old cat Callie. The flash kind of messed with their eyes, they don't always squint...

I like this picture =3 I currently have 6 mice, 5 of them are white feeder mice, and 1 I took over for my friend, who had parents that didn't like the mouse. I'll upload a picture of the newcomer later, the others were quite confused though. She had spots!!

I'll just upload one white mouse 
And last but not least, the only pet I can take with me to college. My amazing pet rock, Sylvester.

Take me seriously.
I dare you.
Last edited by TheBabyEater; August 5th 2011 at 01:00 AM.
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