I was diagnosed with bulimia nervosa at 15, the events that triggered it were mounts and mounts of bullying, exam stress and the fact that i was losing control so i decided to take control the only way i thought possible, my food. I was diagnosed at 15 but had been doing it 2 years prior, it was all secretive and i was embarassed about it. It got worse as i found Thinspo (Thinspiration, Pro-Ana/Mia Websites) and got more and more deeper to the point where my physical health deteriorated and i got some help.
I know everyone is different and have their own stories but any recovering ana/mia sufferer will tell you that you cannot do it on your own or with someone who is also suffering from an
ED, one relapses and so does the other.
There are a few silly girls (and probably guys) that want an
ED due to the fact they think it's glamourous and all the models and film stars are apparantly doing it but what's glamourous about going bald, spots, yellow teeth and popping in laxatives like m&ms.
I'm getting help and it has been getting easier but there are good and bad days where i get urges but surrounding yourself with good people and TELLING SOMEONE how you feel helps, sometimes when i feel like i have to purge i just talk to someone and then after a while, bam! Feeling gone.
Hope my rambling helped. xx