Thread: Goal Diary
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Age of Ignorance Offline
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Name: Mitch
Age: 32
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Goal Diary - July 28th 2011, 07:21 AM

Hey guys,

Thought I'd start a goal diary, because I have posted notes with everything in them all over the place that I wanted to keep track of - and this seems to be the best way to do, no matter how minute or trivial they seem; they all end up bringing happiness.

About Me
I'm an 18 year old Kiwi living and studying Law in Australia. I didn't reach the goals I set for year 12 (actually, did I have any goals?), and now I'm trying to start fresh with this with both University, life and employment crashing down on top of me. This seemed to be the best way to keep everything linear.

As time goes by, I'll update this more and more.

Long term Goals
1. Be admitted to the Bar.
1.1 Finish Law degree with Honours.
1.2 Attain high results (Distinction average)
2.1 Start a Master's degree
2.2 Finish Master's degree

Medium term Goals
1.1 Attain a high distinction average this semester.
1.2 Get my life in order
1.2.1 Buy a suit.
1.2.2 Get a professional haircut
1.2.3 Finish Mentoring for the rest of my degree.
1.3 Volunteer at the local law clinic.
1.4 Get a part-time job.
*note: I do have a part-time job, but it isn't what I'd call a job.
1.5 Make a bucket-list.
1.6 Go on a romantic date.
1.7 Start research for dissertation.

Weekly Goals
Week 1:
1.1 Organise Contracts notes for week 1 into coherent order.
1.2 Make notes for subjects (for week 2):
1.2.1 Australian Legal System in Context
1.2.2 Legal Research Methods
1.2.3 Management and Organisational Behaviour
1.2.4 Contracts 1
1.3 Rearrange study room for better study conditions.
1.4 Study for at least 12 Hours.
1.4.1 4 Hours on Thursday.
1.4.2 4 Hours on Friday.
1.4.3 4 Hours on Saturday.
1.5 Watch the All Blacks smash the Spring Boks in the tri-nations.
1.6 Wear decent clothes to University for once.
1.7 Find decent hair style.

* every week I'll edit this, cross out the ones complete and maybe add a few more. This is pretty much all I could think of on short notice.