Religion -
July 19th 2011, 06:49 PM
Religion is something that's REALLY been stressing me out lately. I'm a Christian and I've always been terrified of dying because everyone is saying different things and different beliefs all within one religion and some say if you don't believe the EXACT correct thing then you go to hell but with so many beliefs in Christianity alone, how am I supposed to know the RIGHT one?! And I'm just so scared of going to hell especially with my mum shoving it down my throat. I also hate everyone on the planet and wish everyone would die a gruesome death ad screwed up thoughts likt that DO NOT help! I dunno what to believe or what to think anymore because my ENTIRE mind has basically been purposely shoved up too far for my age and all this cramming into my teenage mind is making me ill! My mind is still in the growing stage but it seems like a very painful growth.