Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
July 15th 2011, 05:21 PM
You are a bitch, a slut, and an idiot.
Somehow I still love you anyway, even though I really freaking hate you.
You are like two separate people - the kind, sweet, understanding, loving woman... and the skanky bitch who will bend over for half the population and than blame it on everyone but herself.
It's my fault you cheated on me thrice times when we were together? you still have the nerve to say that?
Because we got in a fucking argument? that gives you cause to go and fuck someone else? over what, me being in a bad mood which has nothing to do with you, yet you pry and pry making accusations until I burst with anger and yell at you. That gives you the right to cheat on me?
You slut, you didn't even use a condom.
what a fucking bitch.
part of me want's to delete you out of my life forever, the other still want's to be friends...
Friends... that's a joke.
For what true friendship always leaves you feeling drained and inadequate?
What I say has never been believed, she always makes up motivations and reasoning FOR me. What I say, what I think matters naught - only her invented truth holds steady in her eyes...
What I did or didn't do is pointless... only what she thinks I did matters, and with no evidence to the contrary - it is what I will always be judged by.
An innocent left to rot in this figurative prison...
There is no escape, no right or wrong.
There only is condemnation.
My motives inventions of another's imagination, so far from true that they appear laughable - yet my sentencing to cruel remarks and scrutiny is all based upon them.
no escape.. except to leave this place and start anew.
I wish you the best; bitch. I hope you can live with yourself.
I hope you find someone you feel isn't always sneaking around behind your back - because even if he isn't.. he will still be punished for it.
You've heard this all before - I've said it to your face.
Still, no differences were made, and to this day you still think I slept with her.
How sad, so truly sad for you.
With 4 witnesses to attest to the fact that nothing ever happened between her and I, even that is not enough to shatter your bubble of illusion...
I fucking hate loving you - I'm just glad I finally had the will to leave you all those months ago...
You know you are on the precipice of greatness when you feel joy, fear, and the butterflies of change all at the same time.
