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Re: Religion and Atheism. - July 11th 2011, 12:04 PM

Originally Posted by krstnrcksbtt View Post
Everyone argues so much about those two things. I don't quite get it.
I mean, everyone has their own personal thought or opinion. You can
choose to believe whatever you want. So why is there so much hostility?
Yes, Athiests do bash on religion a lot, but people who believe in a relgion
bash on them just as much.
I will be the first to admit, when I was very absorbed by my church, I was
guilty of bashing on Athiests. But why? When I looked back it just seemed
silly. I mean, not one, Athiest person ever said anything to me other than
the fact that they were Athiest.
I do believe in God, and if they don't, what does it really matter? I've
decided that it's not really that important to argue over. I'm always up for
a fun and light-hearted debate, but not this.
I know that this is just my personal opinion. I know that some of you
won't agree with me and that's ok. Can't it be the same for our religious
I haven't read the rest of the thread, so sorry if I repeat some things, also not trying to bash anyone, but this is my personal view on things.

I personally am very against religion (no, I won't call some one out and insult them for being religious) due to how much bad that comes along with the good parts of religion. A vast majority of anti gay people use religion as an excuse to hide bigotry, and although I should be blaming the people and not the religion, there are just so many who are like this that I have developed somewhat of a bias. I've actually been told I would rot in hell and that I was an idiot for having "chosen" to be bisexual, on this very site! But discrimination aside, I hate religion because of lots of arbitrary and often pointless restrictions to human advancement (be it scientific or social). I just think that we would be so much farther ahead in a lot of things if it weren't for religion. But I don't get involved in religious arguments and don't go out of my way to explain why I think god doesn't exist, because there is really no point, seeing as how there are so many, and that if they aren't hurting anyone because of it, trying to convince them otherwise is just childish "I'M RIGHT YOU'RE WRONG" mentality.

One thing I WILL say is if some one tries to convince me otherwise, I will tell them their reasons/proofs are rubbish and that discounting everything that has much more proof than religion (i.e. evolution) is annoying seeing as how what their belief is based on nothing but simply assuming it's true (personal experiences don't count, because of placebo effect, just like pretending to give some one booze, who then actually act drunk).

Again sorry if I offended anyone, I was just giving some insight on why I think most atheists like to pick a fight with religious people. As I said I personally never get seriously involved in arguments and accept the fact people will believe in things I don't, wish more people did, gets rather irritating seeing religious arguments everywhere.

Edit: dredear's post reminded me, another reason why I think atheists tend to get annoyed at religious people is because a lot of people tend to act like they know some greater truth or immense secret to the universe by being religious, and tend to be a bit condescending towards atheists. But again the same can be said about atheists who accuse religious people of being delusional and judge them on that fact.

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Sometimes we have to save our own lives,
not because no one else cares, but because no one else can.

Life for you has been less than kind
So take a number, stand in line
We've all been sorry, we've all been hurt
But how we survive is what makes us who we are.

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We invent paths they cannot see, and they're too scared to walk

Only after disaster can we be resurrected. It's only after you've lost everything that you are free to do anything.