Doing fine by design.
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Name: Charlie
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Join Date: September 20th 2009
Re: Being comfortable in my school/Meeting other LGBT kids -
July 9th 2011, 02:04 AM
Hey Sky.
When I came out, it was during the holidays, and I worried about what people would say when we went back to school. And you know what happened? Nothing. Nobody even batted an eye. So what I'm saying is, it's probably not going to be as bad as you think. The best thing you can do is act naturlly. If people do start talking, then it sounds like you'll have your friends for support, which is good. And besides, August is a long way away, and chances are people may not even remember, or will have grown past their initial shock, so you'll probably be fine. Just be proud of who you are, and don't mind anyone who tells you otherwise. Your school also (I hope) would have some kind of anti-bullying policy, which should protect you a bit.
As for meeting people, I'm afraid there's not much you can do. Chances are you're not the only non-straight person there, but you're just more open than most. Perhaps some people may take your example, and, seeing that nothing bad has happened to you, come out too. If there are no specific LGBT groups nearby, you could try joining other groups - like youth groups or sports groups - because they're good ways to meet people, and, statistically, some are bound to be 'not so straight'.
I wish you all the best.
"Love means never having to say you're a werewolf."