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Re: Religion and Atheism. - June 30th 2011, 04:00 PM

In my opinion, "bashing" is just carelessly insulting a point of view out of anger or predisposition, but I don't consider it "bashing" if it's coupled with a logical argument in its defense. The same goes for the both the atheist and religious sides of this coin. If there's a valid logical point to be made that applies a negative attribute to the other side of the discussion, then it shouldn't be called bashing -- but I find it far too often, you're right.

I don't debate with people who are simply angry or intolerant and base their discussions on the insults that spawn from that. There's absolutely no benefit in it, for me. I debate so that I can learn the positions of people who may disagree with me, and so that I can show my position to others, in the most clear and logical way that in which I can. I may even try to persuade them if I find them to be open-minded individuals who are not completely swallowed by their religion's intolerance, but that's a very rare occurrence.

As to why people get so upset about others' opinions: well, from what I've gathered, religious people tend to get upset at atheism because the opposition contradicts their beliefs ("You don't believe in my God? You're going to hell."), and because religion is extremely sensitive to criticism. However, for me, personally, I get upset at religion because its influence over people infiltrates so many facets of the lives of everyone (i.e., influence over politicians who reject certain bills; tax exemptions; etc.) -- it annoys me how one belief system based on faith (belief without evidence) can end end up influencing the lives of those who do not have it. I don't think that there should be any government benefits specific to churches (or any other religious foundation for that matter), and it bothers me. I also get very annoyed by some of the beliefs that are inherent within many religions. But I make a point not to let my frustration's venting become points in a discussion.

Both atheists and the religious have the capacity to "bash" one another, and neither side is completely guilt free. However, like Sapphire_Wings said, I don't find it here too often at all -- there's very rarely a time in this forum when someone says something critical about religion or atheism without backing it up in some way.

Last edited by ertyuio; June 30th 2011 at 04:05 PM.