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Re: Religion and Atheism. - June 30th 2011, 02:30 PM

Originally Posted by krstnrcksbtt View Post
Everyone argues so much about those two things. I don't quite get it.
I mean, everyone has their own personal thought or opinion. You can
choose to believe whatever you want. So why is there so much hostility?
I think that a huge factor in this is that neither side can prove that they are unequivocally one hundred percent right. However both sides like to point out holes in each others arguments. It is not so much hostility but a division of opinions and a heated debate.

This is for most people the meaning of life, whether we are given life by God and prosper by his hand or whether as nihilists believe we make our own meaning in life, we give ourselves our own purpose. I feel myself that reality is simply perception so I will debate against religion but I have no true hostility towards religion. The only religious group I truly despise is WBC but I think that is like a 100% universally hated group.

Originally Posted by krstnrcksbtt View Post
Yes, Athiests do bash on religion a lot, but people who believe in a relgion
bash on them just as much.
This is a debate forum and while people will get angry or annoyed there is no true bashing from what I could see. There is no bashing allowed within the forum and I think that this is a sensitivity issue on the part of debaters.

Yes people can bash certain athiests who are horribly rude and the same goes for religious people. However this is an individual case.

Originally Posted by krstnrcksbtt View Post
I will be the first to admit, when I was very absorbed by my church, I was
guilty of bashing on Athiests. But why? When I looked back it just seemed
silly. I mean, not one, Athiest person ever said anything to me other than
the fact that they were Athiest.
This is where most bashing I have seen comes from people not thinking for themselves. Then again as far as I am concerned if someone is so brain washed that they will bash people for no reason other than others around them do it then I have no respect for them and it doesn't bother me.

Originally Posted by krstnrcksbtt View Post
I do believe in God, and if they don't, what does it really matter? I've
decided that it's not really that important to argue over. I'm always up for
a fun and light-hearted debate, but not this.
I know that this is just my personal opinion. I know that some of you
won't agree with me and that's ok. Can't it be the same for our religious
The whole reason for debating is to open your mind and the mind of others to other possibilities. It is not about arguing it is about learning and teaching. It is something we do as people to broaden our minds. Of course we all have our personal opinions however we should be secure enough to ignore trolls and be able to debate with others about the many possibilities on offer in this world.