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Name: Kristen (Rocks Butt)
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Question Religion and Atheism. - June 30th 2011, 01:56 PM

Everyone argues so much about those two things. I don't quite get it.
I mean, everyone has their own personal thought or opinion. You can
choose to believe whatever you want. So why is there so much hostility?
Yes, Athiests do bash on religion a lot, but people who believe in a relgion
bash on them just as much.
I will be the first to admit, when I was very absorbed by my church, I was
guilty of bashing on Athiests. But why? When I looked back it just seemed
silly. I mean, not one, Athiest person ever said anything to me other than
the fact that they were Athiest.
I do believe in God, and if they don't, what does it really matter? I've
decided that it's not really that important to argue over. I'm always up for
a fun and light-hearted debate, but not this.
I know that this is just my personal opinion. I know that some of you
won't agree with me and that's ok. Can't it be the same for our religious