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With A Sprinkle Of Cinnamon
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Re: Should I tell someone my friend is pregnant? - June 29th 2011, 06:11 PM

I think there are a few things to take into account here. For one... You say your friend lied about being raped. Ignoring how much that upsets me, it reminds me of a few people at my school I know. Like, this one girl at my lunch table my sophomore year swore up and down she was pregnant for about three months. Then, when people started noticing she was still just as tiny as ever, she had a miscarriage. Granted, three months in there wouldn't be much to see, but there would be more than her perfectly flat abs. I don't mean to really insult your friend or anything by saying that she might be making it up, but it is a possibility that you shouldn't completely throw out. People lie about crazy things for attention, especially for attention from boys/boyfriends.

Now, if she decides to go with the DIY abortion, you need to tell someone. Maybe not your parents, maybe not hers, but some adult that can talk her out of it. If she does go through with keeping it, then her parents are going to find out no matter what. Sorry, there's no hiding a pregnancy. If she does want to keep the pregnancy going, she needs to see a doctor. Actually, she should see a doctor either way to be honest.

Besides, if he's threatening her, the police should know anyway. She won't get in trouble anyway, probably just him. If he's the kind of guy to knock up a girl then threaten to beat her if she didn't get an abortion, he deserves to be in jail. Trust me, he's no match made in heaven.

Take me seriously.
I dare you.