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blumemusik♫ Offline
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Name: Kate
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Should I tell someone my friend is pregnant? - June 28th 2011, 08:02 PM

My friend is 15 and has had several sexual partners, but only one recently (although they're not in a relationship.)

She found out a few days ago that she is pregnant by this guy. He's 18, so yeah, it's illegal round here.

She's done some bad things in the past, casual sex, sexy pictures, drink, drugs, the whole shadoodle. But I've not said a word to anyone.

I know, she trusts me, and I know, it's none of my business, but she's getting an abortion and not telling her parents, and I really think an adult should know. She's considering just a DIY abortion - hitting herself with a baseball bat. I've tried to talk her into a proper one, and I've told her they can't tell her parents, but she won't do it. That's why I think I should tell someone.

We're not really close friends. We used to be best friends but when she got into SH, and began making me depressed, I tried to pull away, and we don't talk as much anymore. She didn't respect me as a friend, and wasn't really a very nice person. Now, she still tells me all her problems, but the thing is, she tells everyone.

Like, literally, she claimed to have been raped (turns out she wasn't,) and told me not to tell anyone, and I didn't. But she told so many people that literally the whole school knew by the next day.

She's doing the same thing with this pregnancy.

Now, I can't condone abortions. I'm completely set against them. But she doesn't want the baby, and she won't listen to me saying to get a safe abortion, so should I tell my mum or a teacher or someone?

What should I do?