Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
June 27th 2011, 04:09 AM
I still think about it. But my feelings for you are so strong that i cant let you go. So i just have to bare it. Its so hard. But i cant see myself not being with you. And that makes me feel pathetic, i always said i would be strong in relationships. Not take any shit. But you make me feel weak. Because i have taken your shit. I feel like the weak one, but i cant help it becase im scared of losing you. If someone else said some of the things i think, i would think that they were stupid, and should just leave you. But it really isnt that easy. I think we could be amazing, really good together. But im so scared you'll fuck it up. And if you do again i will have to end it, even though i wont want to and it will hurt so fucking much. Im so worried that day will come.
Last edited by Tigerrr; June 27th 2011 at 04:14 AM.