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  (#4154 (permalink)) Old
semiunbalanced Offline
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Name: Kimmi
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Location: California

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Join Date: June 25th 2011

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - June 26th 2011, 04:25 AM

SCREW YOU. "BEST FRIEND". You think that it's okay to just talk shit about me like that? Oh but I'll never find out so it's all good. I'm freaking done with everything that you've been doing to me. For 3 years you have done nothing but make my life Hell so I don't know why I thought I'd trust you this time around. But I did and the only thing you've been doing is using me. I'm not stupid. I know what you've been saying about me. Which is dumb because it isn't even true. We're not all over each other and we're not this gross and disgusting couple. We hold hands and we hug and that's about it. -_____- You're freaking dumb. I know why you have such a problem with us being together. It's because you want to believe that you are in love too, even though it is clear to everybody else that you aren't. Not even close. Who publicly destroys each other over Facebook and then gets back together? Who has the PERFECT DATE but all throughout that perfect date you text me saying you're getting beaten. I'm not clueless. I know you're lying to me. I take you seriously because I'm afraid it'll be my fault if I don't take you seriously and something actually happens. But one of these days I'm fucking letting go because I can't handle it anymore and you think I'm stupid when I'm not. I know your games. I've known them for three years and I know them better than anybody else. You're not fooling me here. "Best friend" my ass. -____-
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