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Name: Elliotte
Age: 33
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Location: California
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Join Date: October 19th 2009
Re: Erection Problems, -
June 24th 2011, 04:44 PM
I can't say much for the actual problem, but I will say that for one, you shouldn't be ashamed that you're a virgin, and for another, I should hope that for any woman you're with, it'd be a non-issue.
My first boyfriend was 21 and he was a virgin before me, and my current boyfriend is 18 and is a virgin. With my first boyfriend, when we decided we might try having sex, he had a hard time keeping his erection. I ended up suggesting that we stop and cuddle, so we stopped, we cuddled, we talked a bit, and then carried on. It was no big deal and he ended up staying hard the second time round. I have yet to reach that point with my current boyfriend, but whether or not it happens then... Again, it'll be a non-issue. Why? Because it happens, and the thing is that women get nerves for their first times too, obviously not about whether or not they'll keep their erections ( ), but some/many times, their nerves lead them to tensing up during sex, making it harder for it to actually occur. I think the important thing to remember is that if you're in a committed relationship with someone, you're likely to be with someone who's not only going to be willing to be patient but whose also willing to work with you in order to find a pace you're both comfortable with.
If you feel you'd like additional support or to speak further with me, you can contact me through my personal Tumblr, Love Like An Hourglass (click), or PM me through TH.