Thread: I'm lonely
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BlackHawkDown Offline
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Re: I'm lonely - June 24th 2011, 03:36 PM

im in the same boat mate, its hard, im lonely atm also, but what i tell myself is im still young and if its my turn for love, then it will come, love comes by accident and stays on purpose, i wouldnt try so hard to find it as it wont be as special as when it really happens, live your life have fun and you never now one day in the near future your soulmate could turn up, for me i dont do much all day, but i plan to get a job and start going out more, and if i find a girl i like who i sense likes me back, im not going to be a pussy anymore, im going to grow some balls and say something, if i get rejected then so be it, il take it like a man, and learn from it, my most valuable quote is "it is better to know then to regret not knowning" i know i may sound as if im trying to be a player or some sort now but seriously im not far from it, i wanna be in a relationship where im confortable, and its truthful, but i dont wanan rush it, i want to find the right one that i can spend the rest of my life with, i must admit it does take its toll and can be very hard sometimes when you see other couples, films etc so i feel your pain but it will happen someday so just happily wait for the day, and start trying to make moves first, from my expierence, girls 9/10 never make the first move about taking the friendship/relationship further correct me if im wrong girls.