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Kayla200 Offline
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Re: Religion and homophobia. - June 17th 2011, 01:14 PM

Originally Posted by elievry View Post
I agree with Xujhan. There are some old books of the bible that say that there is nothing wrong with homosexuality. But when it suited the rulers that the Bible would be against homosexuality the modern copy came out...granted this modern copy came out centuries ago but still.

God does love us all. Being a lesbian christian I happily will have a debate with a fellow christian that tells me I am going to hell. My answer is this. I love God, I praise God, I believe and love Jesus Christ. I have follwed him and tried to make the world a better more excepting place. I have helped people. I have goals and ambitions. And it is all these things that God will judge me on. All these positive things. And based on these things I will hopefully get into the house of God. Not based on who I fall in love with and who I feel atracted to.

I then say to them that I am close to God and have a good relationship with him and for me thats what counts and what matters and my faith and sexuality have nothing to do with them.
Finally someone else with my same way of thinking thank you for being you sceriously...I thought I was alone in believeing that even though im bi I can still make it into gods doors

R.I.P Lee, Logan, Austin 3/5/09

As tears fall from my eyes,I realized I didn't know them as much as I knew everyone else,Yet what I knew was they where apart of me in different ways,And as I watched them be put in the ground,Their spirits floating,Apart of me went with them...........You will forever be missed and loved...Never forgotten
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