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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - June 10th 2011, 01:20 AM

You and I were once so close. Once those words I wrote where I said that every time you cry, I cry, every time you laugh, I laugh, once those words were true. Once I lived by those words. I haven't talked to you in months now, I try, I try so hard. I'm sending you text messages and calling you, but I never get a response, you never answer your phone. I send you messages on facebook and I comment on your statuses, but you always ignore my messages and delete my comments. I was "in love" with you for ten months, I've never been "in love" with anyone that long. I've never even had the slightest crush on anyone that long. So what's going on Jackson? Are you ignoring me now? If you are, why? Is it because I trusted you with my secrets, and now that your mental health is better than mine you're too good for me? Or am I just overreacting? Are these tears for nothing? Why???
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