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Harmony♥ Offline
Proud Military Girlfriend
Jeez, get a life!
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Re: Bestfriends pregnant?? - June 9th 2011, 11:41 PM

Originally Posted by Marguerite View Post
Seriously? Lazyness? It's not like she's deciding not to clean her room. Deciding not to raise a baby at 15 isn't being lazy, it's being responsible.

No offense but you don't sound like much of a best friend. Stop trying to push your own beliefs on her and either pull your head in or stop communicating with her, because she doesn't need you and your religious mumbo jumbo on top of everything else right now.

The bible also says the earth was made in 7 days. Go figure.
I agree with this. There is a difference between being lazy and knowing whether or not you can truly provide for a child at a tender age. Pushing beliefs on people isn't going to get them to agree with you; it's only going to push them away.

I may wear the glass slippers; But my hero wears combat boots <3 I love you, Lieutenant

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