Re: 8 moths pregnant at 17 and all by myslef...please help. -
June 2nd 2011, 08:34 AM
I don't know if this will be much help but I totally understand how you feel. When I was sixteen I got pregnant, and when I told the father I was, left me. Enivetably we got back together, but it didn't last. I was afraid about what I would do. I lived with my parents for two more years, I was in high school for another year, I had no job and my parents are not wealthy, I was afraid. I went through with it. I am seventeen now for a couple more months and my daughter will be one next month. I am so glad I didn't put her up for adoption. She is my rock. If I didn't have her, I know this isn't healthy to say, but there are a lot of times I would have considered if not threw myself in front of an Amtrak train. She holds me accountable. She makes me get up in the morning and get my ass to school. She makes me want a job (had one but not enough hours). She will be the one that makes me start college in the winter for my master's degree. As long as finances are not a problem, and even if they are you will get child support and you can most likely get some state assistance if also needed, it's really not that hard to raise a baby. Everyone scared me, made me think it was so hard, but after the first like three months go by and you're so used to it, it's like second nature, it's not that difficult in my opinion, and I do it every day. I think you should keep it. In opinion the emotional distress of giving a child up for adoption would take more out of me than taking care of and loving my child everyday. I'm not hating on adoption by the way, I am just telling her she can do it. She seems smart and driven enough, she can totally do it. Good luck in whatever you decide though, I'm hear to talk if you need me, I've had a good year of experience with it and we're close in age.
"No failure is ever final, nor is any success."