so i dont know if you read my last thread, but i havent been able to get a pregnancy test.
i might get it this weekend, anyways it has been 11 days since THE sex.
and i was just wondering if these could be symptoms/signs:

my period is 2 weeks late,
i have been really nauseated,
my tummy hurts,
i have been severely dizzy,
ive been having bad headaches,
im tired all the time,
my boobs hurt really bad and i guess my aerolas have gotten slightly darker and people keep asking me if my boobs have gotten bigger cuz they think so. i havent really noticed.
and the other day i threw up after eating chocolate (which i usually love chocolate), and i have been craving strawberry ice cream. and i have been eating double alot. so what do u guys think?

i know i need to get a test i am getting one asap.
so please dont tell me that.