Originally Posted by MonsterCosmonaut
Visitation if the mother permits it, child support the man has no say in, and the raising of the child is also totally up to whether the mother allows it. She has total control.
Depends on how bad the guy wants to see his kid. If he takes her to court, gets a visitation agreement with the judge's signature, then she still refuses visitation-He can then bring a police officer with him along with the copy of the agreement and she cannot refuse to let the child go, she has to or she goes to jail. That is how it is here anyways. With a joint custody arrangement (which is almost always what is done as long as both parents are compentant) he has the right to call the childs school to check up on school work, request that two report cards are sent out and can be regularly updated. It appears that the mother has total control because sometimes the guys just bail and have no interest in knowing these things, but if a guy actually wanted to put in the effort of being a dad, he can be.