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xx_fallenangel_xx Offline
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Name: Anne
Age: 30
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Declaration of INDEPENDENCE from my eating disorder - May 18th 2011, 01:20 AM

A type of therapy suggested in Life Without ED by Jenni Schaefer.


When in the course of her lifetime, it becomes necessary for one woman, Anne, to break the ties between her and Ed, and to assume absolute and steadfast control of her life, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and God entitle her, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that she should declare the causes which impel her to the separation.

Anne holds these truths to be self-evident, that everyone is endowed with unalienable rights and among these are life, liberty, respect, and the pursuit of happiness. That whenever Ed becomes destructive and controlling of these ends, it is Anne’s right to eliminate Ed, to alter her life, and to institute recovery, laying the foundation of her life on such principles and organizing her powers in her own way, so that she may achieve safety and happiness. The history of Ed is a history of repeated injuries and insults, all having taken away the rights stated above from Anne. To prove this, let facts be submitted:

-Ed has cut off all emotions.
-Ed has damaged Anne’s health and sense of self.
-Ed has deprived Anne of food and comfort.
-Ed has erected feelings of hatred, vulnerability, and worthlessness.
-Ed has hidden the truth from Anne by telling her that she was not good enough.
-Ed has refused Anne of self-love, confidence, and self-approval.
-Ed has silenced Anne’s cries of unhappiness and caused her to suffer in silence, often deserting her when she was at her worst.
-Ed has taken Anne’s morals, changed them, and made her act against them.
-Ed has united with perfectionism to make Anne strive to ridiculously high standards, standards that are unattainable.

Anne, therefore, solemnly publishes and declares that she is free and independent; that she has been absolved of all allegiance to Ed, that all connection between Anne and Ed will be dissolved, and that as a free and independent individual, she has full power to eat, live in peace, express her feelings, and use the rights of life, liberty, respect, and the pursuit of happiness as she pleases.

If you want to write your name in support, I will add it to the bottom of my printed out copy. Just let me know (comments can also be added.)

"Pretty, pretty please, don't you ever, ever feel like you're less than, less than perfect. Pretty, pretty please, if you ever, ever feel like your nothing, you are perfect to me."
-Pink (Perfect)
"Because you are precious in my eyes and glorious, and because I love you, I give men in return for you and peoples in exchange for your life." -Isaiah 43:4

Last edited by xx_fallenangel_xx; May 18th 2011 at 01:52 PM.