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Re: Questions for the opposite sex - May 17th 2011, 03:46 AM

Originally Posted by Hyperion View Post
Why is it that when I ask a girl (even one I'm not in love with) what she wants for Christmas or her birthday, she says she doesn't want anything.... and then drops hints everywhere about things she wants. Why not just say "It would be nice if you could get me ______"? I don't care about subtlety. If you want it, and I asked if you want something, then I should try to get it for you, and you shouldn't beat around the bush about it.
Because girls tend to be subtle about lots of things. =P It's hard for most girls to overcome that initial feeling of, "Oh my gosh, I'll sound sooo selfish if I ask for [object]." They may also want to avoid putting pressure on you, or they may say, "Nothing," out of politeness. They may worry that you won't be able to find the object in question, or you won't be able to afford it. Girls have sooo many reasons for NOT being more direct. So the next time a girl says, "I don't want anything," wait a day or two, then approach her again and say, "No, seriously, what would you like for your birthday?" Sometimes, when confronted a second time, girls will cave in and tell you what they're really thinking. =P It will also help you avoid all the subtle hints, because you'll get a real answer the second time you ask. Good luck!