Originally Posted by Xujhan
"Some people believe X, others believe Y, still more believe Z. I don't believe in any of these for reasons A, B and C, but ultimately there no way to prove one position correct and I'll love you no matter which you choose," is probably the best explanation for a young child. How much detail you give on the religions and their counterarguments will just depend on age; a four-year old probably isn't going to be interested in philosophical arguments.
As for religious relatives, I think that simply asking that they respect your right to raise your child free from indoctrination is really not something that can be argued with, although depending on how religious your relatives are they might try to argue the point.
I'd just be repeating this if I explained my own plans. I'm also open to my child going to church if that's what they want, despite the fact that I myself am an atheist. I'd ask a christian neighbour to take them (which is what I've done for myself several times) and if I couldn't find one, then I'd take them myself.