Originally Posted by Snufkin
I'm just saying it's pointless. I would never stop people signing a petition for any cause, but I've seen this circulating on Twitter and Facebook, and if you think the government of Uganda are going to listen then you're wrong. Pressure from international involvement, maybe, but even then it's highly unlikely. Get real, because this is a highly dangerous and completely backward bill. A petition and good thoughts are not what the homosexual community of Uganda needs right now, what they need is to get the hell out of there. If this bill goes through, you are breaking the law if you are straight and know of someone who is gay yet don't report them. I don't fancy breaking the law in Uganda, you will get tortured or killed.
Maybe I'm just cynical, but I truly believe that this will have no effect on the outcome of this bill.
I would, of course, be happy to be wrong.
If colonist's had that attitude in the 1700's then America wouldn't be here, "Oh, telling our fellow colonist's to rise up won't do any good, if we oppose the British government they'll kill us, oh well".
One single act can change the world, Rosa Parks refusing to go to the back of the bus sparked the Civil Rights Movement nationwide. The Stonewall Riots sparked the Gay Rights Movement worldwide, you don't see how the most insignificant act of signing a petition or defying authority for what you know is right can have an amazing impact and the world.