Re: Explaining Religion to a Child -
May 9th 2011, 10:52 PM
From a human perspective, it's impossible to be completely subjective about religion. I wouldn't talk about it unless my child specifically asked me a question about it. And my answer would be mostly focused on the direction of his or her question.
If my child asks a "why" or "how" question about Christianity (or any other faith, for that matter), my answer will probably be in three parts: The first part will be an explanation according to the beliefs of the faithful, with basis in religious text and tradition. The second part will be my personal explanation of why I disbelieve (or believe) these accounts, with my own thoughts, ideas, and theories (molded to the understanding of the child's age). The third will be an explanation of subjective and objective ways to view religion, and about how it's impossible to prove anyone (including myself) truly "right" or "wrong".
Ethos Pathos Logos