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Name: Elliotte
Age: 33
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Re: Dating younger... -
May 6th 2011, 09:01 AM
I honestly feel that you're being driven a bit by stereotypes here. 
I don't do drugs. I don't smoke. And I don't drink. I have no intention of ever starting either. I'm not interested in jumping legs-spread into a relationship, either. I am a sophomore at university. I have met people with the same values, and I've met people who are all about sex, drugs, and rock-n-roll. The great thing about university is that there is diversity. There's more diversity than in a high school, where your actions and academics are more closely monitored. For some, this can be perceived as a good thing, and for others, a bad, but you're going to get more "choice," for lack of a better word, in university than anything.
Being said, there's no need to rush a relationship, and there's honestly no need to put a number to it currently. You may meet someone younger, you may meet someone older, or you may meet someone your own age. You can't predict that now. An example is I swore I would never date someone younger, yet a best friend of mine for a couple years is a year and a half younger than me (incredibly smart, incredibly mature), and we are now a couple. Things do change, things do catch you unexpectedly, etc. You may meet someone you love and whose younger age does not bother you, or you may not, but you will meet someone.
The thing you have to remember is that we all have preferences. Whether they fit what seems to be the majority or not, they're all normal (assuming they're legal, speaking from a purely surface mentality). There are men like you out there, whether you believe it or not and whether you've met them or not, and they've found people with whom they're compatible with. You will too. So don't fret! Whether your preferences are mainstream or not, they aren't preferences that are going to get you in to trouble, and though they may hinder you with some women, they're not going to hinder you with all. So no worries.
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