Originally Posted by lola jonson
people have already said this but : OH MY GOD!!! youre only eleven years old and youre pregnant with twins!!! there is no way that your body can physically handle that. if you have them they are going to moat likely be underweight and/or premature or have some other health problems. you could end up having a miscarriage from having kids that young!!!
You act like it's her choice which it wasn't. Sorry to be so up front with that comment but seriously you don't need to try to scare the crap out of her. Yes she needs to know the facts but you're only giving her half the truth, Shannon was right in mentioning that other much more older women as well have complications with twins, it's almost to be expected not just because of her age.
Now onto helping. Obviously the first time I posted it was to tell you what could happen, and I'll admit I was not very supportive. I still stand by my final answer, but whatever you choose people will be here to support you, you can always find support here on
TH, especially from wonderful people like Shannon.