Hey there

First of I just wanted to say that this response is not meant to be mean or rude, I'm just being honest, and trying to help.
But I do have to agree with everyone else, I don't think any teenager is ready to be a mother, heck even some adults aren't ready to be parents, never mind an 11 year old, especially because these babies didn't come from love, you were assaulted, you need to heal from that and take time to heal and be okay before you can even considering raising a child, never mind 2 children.
What about school?, your 11, so your in 5th or 6th grade, you haven’t even hit middle school yet, or high school, how do you expect to finish school, while raising 2 babies?? I mean your not even legally old enough to get a job to support these babies, I'm not saying you should get an abortion but I'm saying you should defiantly consider adoption. Do you really believe you can provide everything for 2 babies at 11? I mean I'm 17 and I know I'm defiantly not ready to be a parent. Even though you have experience with your baby brother, that’s not the same as being a mom ( trust me, I have 2 younger brothers and multiple younger cousins that I always baby-sit), being a big sister means you can give him back to your parents when he cries, or needs a diaper change, or won't listen, you can't do that with your own baby (babies).
My brother is 11 and I can't even fathom him being a father at this age, you should be playing with your friends, learning who you are, learning new skills, having fun at school, discovering your talents, not worrying about being a mother. Your still a child yourself, you should live your childhood while you can.
You not only have to think about the emotional consequences but also the physical, your 11, so I'm guessing your probably not very big, your probably a petite girl, your body most likely cannot carry one baby, let alone 2, it can be very dangerous for you and your babies.
What happens when you become a teen, and you start going to parties or wanting to have bfs, or hang out with friends, or do after school activity?? You can't do that stuff with 2 toddlers. Don't you want to experience your life as a young adult before you have children, don't you want to do all the things your friends with be doing, don't you want to know that when you have kids, you'll be financially, emotionally and physically ready for them?? Babies are no joke, one of my friends has a 7 month old, and she finds it extremely difficult, and she has the support from her parents, friends, grandparents, fiancé, fiancés parents and even our school accommodates her. But I remember her being pregnant, a lot of people were disgusted, called her names, made fun of her, told her horrible things, could you handle that?? I know you would love your children but unfortunately that’s not all they need. Could you handle being up at 2 am feeding twins, one screams the other one screams, changing diapers at all hours of the night, waking up at ridiculous times, your life will be altered, these babies deserve someone who can give them everything they need, they depend on someone for their lives.
I'm not saying its an easy decision, I know it would be hard for me ( and I'm 17), but you need to consider not only what is best for you but what is best for these children.
I do hope that everything works out for you in the end. I'm sorry if this offended you, I just really hope you considering everything.