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bitesize Offline
Member since April '07
I can't get enough
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - April 26th 2011, 02:18 PM

Look if you'd wanted me to come out that badly you would have said something to me about hanging out tonight before now. I know I am twisting things slightly because I do know that we vaguely said Monday or Tuesday instead of Friday, but I'm still kind of annoyed about Friday after waiting around all day and then nothing happening. It just makes me feel kind of insignificant if she's down for five days and I still have to make all the effort to see her.
And I got annoyed when you wanted me to change the plans I'd made with Conor ~ I can't afford to spend hours out tonight with you guys. I have an oral exam on Friday that I'm really screwed for. I'm terrible at speaking Italian, and walking in there knowing I'll get my usual D isn't very heartening. Plus I'll only be seeing him once or twice until the 15th of May, which is for our one-year anniversary. Kerrie will be nearly home again by then.
To be honest what I really, bitchily want, is that for once, you feel bad about this, and you don't make me feel bad. I do love you but there's so many times when you make me feel guilty and like a bad person and it gets tiring which is one of the reasons I would honestly prefer to see my boyfriend tonight ~ he makes me feel happy about myself and often you guys have the opposite effect. So just leave me alone. I told her I was free Saturday night and Sunday night and yesterday, if she wanted to see me that badly she would ahve said something by then. :/

Honey, you're familiar, like my mirror, years ago
I slithered here from Eden just to sit outside your door
Níl a shíltear mar a bhítear.
Things are not always what they seem.
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