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Re: hiding cuts in hot weather ? -
April 25th 2011, 03:33 PM
Originally Posted by Avengedcatch
You can get creams that heal scars quicker, and if you really need to you can use a bit of makeup to cover them..
Good luck!
Originally Posted by lilmisschatterbox
thats what i have been doing but since the ones i want to cover on my forearm are fresh cuts the bio oil and moisturiser sting like hell each time i use them, so i've stopped using them for the time being.
You should only put make up, bio oil and moisturiser on scars not open and fresh cuts as it could lead to infection and then they will take longer to heal and leave bigger scars.
Treating the cuts properly will increase healing time and reduce the scarring. There is useful info in this thread
and I would recommend using cream like savlon. Here are a load of different antiseptic washes, wipes and creams that you can use.
I would also recommend covering the cuts with bandages or plasters depending on the size and depth of the cuts. I know they make it more obvious and people will ask questions but it is what is best for the healing process.