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  (#39 (permalink)) Old
EndureEmo Offline
because you are amazing anyway
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Name: Eliza-Grace/Endure
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Re: To all those who have been bullied, Do you believe it effected the way you function at school? - April 22nd 2011, 03:02 PM

i feel i did better when i was getting bullied, because i felt i had something to prove.. but now im accepted in to more social groups around the school and talk to more people in my year i feel im to busy talking to listen in class, to busy making other people feel bad about them selfs the people who used to be my friends are now the "lozers" i bully.. but i still talk to them sometimes about random fast convos .. ;s

"Life isn't about how popular you are... What girl or boy you are dating or who you know. Life is about always being true to who you are or what you believe in. Never let anyone convince you that their way is better than your way. In the end all we have is our hearts... and our minds. This is the reason why we sing... this is the reason why we cry... this is why we live."