Thread: rape victim...
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Re: rape victim... - February 24th 2009, 03:08 AM

cassie .

i kno exactly how you feel . i was raped by a guy i had known for nearly 4 years, && he raped me twice . he told me he would kill my whole family if i told anyone . then he would tell me if i told the police he would just keep lying && denying it && he would get off . for about 2 years after the rapes i didnt tell anyone because i was so terrified of what he might do to me but the pain i felt day by day of having to hide such a big secret hurt more . this past october i finally told my parents && the police . he was arrested i got a peace order which basically states he cant come near me or else he'll be arrested && my case is going to trial in 2 months . i kno its really hard to admit to what happend to you && to face him, but i can say this honest to God i feel so much better now knowing that my family is here to help me && the police are helping me . the hardest thing is to tell your parents && having to write your statement then the examinations but after that its so easy && you'll feel so much better . even though time is crucial if you need time take the time . it took me 2 years to tell my parents . i do regret taking so long but atleast now that its out in the open i feel like i can breathe . if it helps tell a friend && ask them to tell your parents with you . thats how i told mine . i asked my bestfriends mom to tell my mom && she did .

just be strong && if you need anyone to talk to me please dnt hesitate to talk to me . i would love to help you in anyway possible .