Originally Posted by SaVeMeFrOmMySeLf96
question for the guys...
why is it that even if you have a girlfriend and say you love her, you still go around and flirt with other girls?? (not labeling all guys)
Because other girls are cute, and flirting is fun. Or it could be a devious plan to keep you jealous and on your toes.
Also.. Do I have to hit you guys over the head or something because it seems no matter what hints I give the guys I like never really get the message that I'm in to them.. is it me?
Yes. First, girl's hints are always far more subtle than you think they are. Second, a hell of a lot of guys are terrified to make a first move unless they're absolutely certain that you like them. Hinting might make him suspect, but he'll second-guess himself and worry that if he's wrong and makes a move, you'll freak out. Either hit him over the head or make the first move yourself.