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Re: Prayer Requests Thread - April 14th 2011, 06:43 AM

I have two prayer requests.

My friend Allie went for surgery today due to a huge problem with her nasal cartilage. She's had mouth/nose problems all her life - jaw issues, braces, the nose thing - and it's finally being fixed. We both have important AP tests coming up as well as the end of senior year, so I just want her to be safe and to make a speedy recovery to enjoy the rest of her year.

My second request is for my amazing friend Brian. We're going to college together in the fall, and he managed to get an ROTC scholarship. He applied Early Decision, so he committed to the school. He JUST found out - after sending in the deposit and everything - that he's no longer eligible for the scholarship due to medical problems. We're praying that everything works out for him, as he's going to appeal the revoking of the scholarship on Friday. Pretty please keep him in your prayers!
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