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Re: Is this rape? -
April 11th 2011, 10:22 PM
Originally Posted by handgrenadeheart
The person asking should have taken no for an answer. It should be obvious to them that persuasion is taking advantage. If the other eventually agrees, it is agreeing out of pressure.
What's wrong with persuading them into sex? Are you honestly trying to tell me that we should classify that as rape and put people on a sex offenders list because they managed to achieve convincing someone to have sex with them? That's not rape, that's called communication. It's how society and humans have worked since we've existed, and it should not be considered immoral in any way.
If she says no, then no it is. But if he keeps asking and she eventually says yes, then what's wrong? She should have kept saying no if she really meant it. But he managed to convince her to say yes, so the sex was consensual, end. of. story.
Okay, put it this way:
If she says yes, it's not rape, it's just regret through hindsight. If she says no, but is forced to have sex, it is rape.
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