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Re: Is this rape? -
April 10th 2011, 02:05 PM
Originally Posted by Marguerite
If this really is considered rape I'm pretty sure more than 85% of boyfriends and husbands could be considered rapists.
When I was with my ex there was a few times when I said no because I wasn't in the mood and then he would kiss me in a certain way and that would change my mind and then we would have sex. Now If I turned around after that and cried rape then that would be really unfair.
I did the same to him a few times too and I know how angry and upset I would be if he turned around and said I raped him after that.
I sort of get the point of no means no and they should continue to push you after you have said no but if this happens and then the person gives in and says yes then to me it isn't rape as they have said yes.
Saying yes when you don't want to isn't rape because men aren't mind readers, they don't know you don't want it if, you say yes the assume you do. I mean yeah I would feel bad for the girl in this situation but if she then cried rape I would feel bad for the guy because a claim like that can ruin someone's life even if found innocent the claim is still there and the idea is still in peoples minds. There are plenty of articles from guys wrongly accused of rape and how it ruined their life.