Re: Another "Am I pregnant" Thread. I'm Sorry -
February 23rd 2009, 12:51 PM
Although you are less likely to get pregant from pre-cum than from a full ejaculation there is still a chance. No contraception is 100% reliable as it is so technically there is always a chance, even though using contraception lowers this chance considerably.
Although you are more likely to get pregnant around day 14 of your cycle when you ovulate you can get pregnant at any point.
You can get a blood test from the doctor 5 days after unprotected sex or buy a home pregnancy test 14 days after unprotected sex.
If you ever have an accident again then do not forget the option of the "morning after pill" which is valid up to 72 hours after unprotected sex and available from family planning centres and chemists. However, do not rely on this method often.
The best thing to do would be to make sure your girlfriend is not pregnant and then advise her to go to the doctor and see if she can get some other form of contracepion, for example, the pill or the injection. Then if you were to use condoms on top of that, for example, your chances of conceiving a baby are lowered considerably.
I hope everything works out for you.
Take care,