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Sämyboy Offline
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Another "Am I pregnant" Thread. I'm Sorry - February 23rd 2009, 12:13 PM

Hi there.

First of all, Thank you so much for the site for giving me support in different situations.

On to my question though.

2 days ago, my gf and I were having sex when suddenly the condom broke. This has happned for both off us for the first time. We were quite scared, but then convinced ourself nothing had happend.

We noticed it IMMEDIATLY. I was nowhere nere to the point of ejaculation, so I guess only pre*** could have been on the site. I have done some research that pre*** does not contain sperm, unless it picks it up from the uethra (picking up the old sperm from a older ejaculation).
The last one that I had from that time was 24 hours ago. I had been to the toillet MANY times. So that should be a plus point aswell.
She is supposed to get her period tummorrow. So we were no where near her ovulation time. (She has a very regular 28 day cycle)

So the odds would be small. Or am I wrong?
Would appreciate some help.
