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Re: American Dad (Anorexia) - March 30th 2011, 02:38 AM

I actually kind of liked the episode. Of course, it's all dumb Family Guy type comedy, so you can't expect too much of a "lesson," but it did have a few really nice points. First and foremost, I was glad it was the guy who had the problem. Eating disorders are so often seen as a woman's disease, but 10% of sufferers are male. I also liked how they revealed Stan's POV. He had seen himself as getting bigger and bigger, and even suspected his family of messing with his vegetables, but then it turns around and shows you what he actually looks like rather than what he thought he did. I've been sifting through old photos lately, and it's shocking to realize I thought I was fat when I was that thin. The show got the BDD aspect down pat. They didn't do too much to showcase the fear, anxiety, and paranoia that come along with EDs, but for a comedy cartoon I think it did pretty well. I can't say if it actually triggered me or not, since I'm having a bit of a relapse right now anyway, but as I was watching I did think to myself "I don't want to want to look like that."

and if you should hear the cries and calls
through the thinnest of the walls
don't you get yourself so blue
it's just the sound of me getting over you