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I can't get enough
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Name: Brandon
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Re: Why so Pregnant? - March 28th 2011, 08:15 PM

There's probably a million and one reasons why a young woman may end up pregnant:

1. Probably the biggest reason is through unprotected sex. Obviously, moms don't always supply their 12-13 year old kids with birth control, and not all 13 year old guys have the luxury of owning a condom -- even if they did own a condom, he might not even use it. Kids aren't very mature at that age; believe me, I was a wild child back in the day and not ashamed of it. And even if a guy didn't wear a condom, a young girl wouldn't really recognize the risk she's putting herself in. So it's really a lack of maturity and knowledge that may contribute to young pregnancies.

2. I think that wanting a baby is a biological desire. Men are biologically programmed to procreate, and women are biologically programmed to desire children. Men desire sex, women desire children and when creates babies. So I think a lot of young girls start experiencing these desires to become pregnant, and find it difficult to control which increases their chances of unprotected sex. They may say that they want to use protection, but deep down inside they may wish the condom broke or something went wrong. Teenage pregnancy shows are so popular probably for that very reason -- we experience that desire through someone else, we pretend to be that person in the TV show with the baby, etc.

3. It really could be a self-fulfilling prophesy. If you see girls or women starting to get pregnant and have children at younger ages, you may feel obligated to do the same. If that's what a younger girl does, then maybe I should also. As they's the "cool thing to do."

4. It could be used as emotional support. Some women may get pregnant because it gives them a "reason to live." So having a baby, one of the toughest jobs in the world, gives young women motivation to not do stupid shit and focus on living instead. So some women might look at pregnancy as a way to cope with depression. But that's more my personal observation so I'm not going to say how often it's true.

5. Going into depth about the last one, I also think it's possible that young women look at pregnancy and childbirth as a way to get attention. As humans, we have a desire to be important so if we have children, and we're young, we might get that attention from our family, friends, and random strangers. We're egocentric so we do things that ultimately benefit us, and so if a woman feels hopeless, not important, or really down about herself, she may get pregnant to boost her self esteem when people give her the title of "Mother." When we think of mother, we think of someone who is mentally strong and able to carry her own load. I could go on about the positive attention, but I'll move onto the negative attention saying that a woman may get pregnant to rebel against her family or someone else.

6. It could be because she's trying to take advantage of the guy someway or another (either to attempt keeping him as a boyfriend or as a way to purposely mess up his life after something he did or something like that).

On a side note, some people say that she may not have a choice to keep the baby, but you could give the baby up for adoption or abort the fetus so I think they do have a choice and the reason why they would keep the baby is more complex than "because they had no choice."

I'm sure I could create some more, but I think those are the ones that stand out the most.