Re: A Few Questions About Religion -
March 27th 2011, 06:47 PM
Admittedly, I don't know a whole lot about your first question. But there have been so many generations since Adam and Eve that the family bond has been incredibly diluted. So it's not like you would be having sex with your brother or sister, it's a lot more distant than that. I mean, you are probably related to a lot of people, just so far removed that it wouldn't be considered incest. *Shrugs* I'm not a geneology expert.
As for your second question, the Devil isn't helping God. Originally, the evil was not supposed to exist. The Devil was actually an angel in heaven called Lucifer that turned bad, and decided he wanted to be more powerful than God and got kicked out of heaven. So he represents evil because he opposes God, who is good. The Devil wants people to go astray and follow him, like he's winning people away from God. It's not that he punishes people who do wrong, he leads people to do wrong, and the punishment they recieve for doing wrong is separation from God and good things in hell. The important thing though, is that Jesus Christ died so that no one is doomed to hell, despite the fact that everyone sins. Jesus triumphed over the devil, sin, and death because God loves us. So we're saved if we believe that and accept that gift of life.
That's one Christian's perspective, hope that made sense.
That's my take on it, so