Originally Posted by David
I don't believe any this because I'm an Atheist. I respect people and their Religion, I just want a few answers about Religion.
According to the bible, Incest is a sin. Adam and Eve performed Incest with their children, considering their weren't any other humans on Earth. I know God allowed Incest at the time because there was know other choice, but after a while he prohibited it.
Ok, well there are many ways you can look at this, many believe it is just a story to show morality but it fails to show any real morals and is quite hypocritical.
Others again believe that it was just that Adam and Eve were figure heads for humans at the time. That there were others but to show original sin, these two were chosen.
Others believe that this story is just complete and utter fiction.
Originally Posted by David
So that means everyone on the Earth is your brother or sister. If you have sex with someone that means you are having sex with a brother or sister which is Incest, which is a sin.
I'm going to be quite specific here, adam and eve have children, those children have children, then they are cousins, just like your fathers brothers children are your cousins. So straight away your point is invalid. It would be relations not brothers or sister.
Originally Posted by David
Why would God still allow this after he prohibited thousand's of years ago?
That raises many other questions, why would he care about that, if he allows everything else on the earth to happen, there are far worse things than incest. Many would argue it is because he has given mankind freewill to make their own choices in life.
Originally Posted by David
Another thing I want to talk about is The Devil. Why is The Devil the personification of Evil and them enemy of God and humankind?
For every good thing in this universe many would argue there is bad. They say that there is nothing that is solely good or bad. If only God were to exist many would argue there would be no evil in the world as there would be no devil to tempt us.
Originally Posted by David
The Devil punishes bad people right? That means The Devil doing something good. The Devil is helping God punish bad people. I don't understand how The Devil is an enemy of God.
The devil is an enemy of God many people would say because he inspires God's creations to stray from his path, they do bad things and so do not follow his love. The devil people argue causes many to turn away from God and that is why he is the enemy of God. The devil can cause anyone to stray from their path, be they good or evil. He punishes any who enter his realm or listen to him. While you may see this as helping God you have made a very one sided argument, which I would like to see you expand further.
I am a nihilist, so none of this is from a religious persons point of view.