Originally Posted by Sythan
While science is great and all, it doesnt face the facts of life, it doesnt help you get through the hardships. It most certainly doesnt answer all questions.
Religion, depending on which one you are in, may or may not give you answers. My religion gave the the answers, plus some.
Im not bashing on science, its great and all, but to say science solves all is just ludacris.
What exactly are you counting as hardships? Hunger, illness, depression, poverty? Science helps us deal with all of those. Science, at its core, is simply the repeated application of critical, skeptical reasoning. That is the important point that makes science what it is. Almost by definition then, an answer that science can't provide is not a good answer. Some of the questions you're thinking of may fall under the label of philosophy, but that too rests on the same foundation of critical thinking. And yes, I do think that critical thinking is the best approach to any problem. It might not solve all of them, but it has a much better chance than any faith.
The atoms that make up you and me were born in the hearts of suns many times greater than ours, and in time our atoms will once again reside amongst the stars. Life is but an idle dalliance of the cosmos, frail, and soon forgotten. We have been set adrift in an ocean whose tides we are only beginning to comprehend and with that maturity has come the realization that we are, at least for now, alone. In that loneliness, it falls to us to shine as brightly as the stars from which we came.