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Name: Topher
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Science, religion...thoughts - March 23rd 2011, 02:20 AM

The following is the random thoughts put in an understandable topic of a 14 year old with a lot of questions and few answers. I’m not going to pretend I’m an expert, but I was thinking about all of this, and felt I HAD to share it. Remember that these are my views and you do not need to share them or even slightly understand them. You could always pm me if you want to….I don’t exactly find anything special about these thoughts, but please do read on!

Think about this: We have no point in the universe, we are just a random amount of matter and cells, and moreover, we are no more than an accident. Then ponder this: There is a higher power out there. He/ She/ They are the reason we are who we are. Both options have logical answers as to why they are likely. There are also more questions, and opponents of each. On one side is science, which gives us answers, but most of the time leaves us more frustrated then before.

For example: We live in a city. Our city is a part of a county (this is in perspective of the US so bear with me). Our county is a part of a State. Our State is a part of a country, which is a part of a continent, which is part of the world. Our world is earth. Our earth is one of (arguably) 8 or 9 planets in our solar system, which orbits our sun. Our solar system is, in turn, a part of the Milky Way Galaxy. There are many, many, MANY galaxies, all of which have random jumbles of cells and substances of which we may have no idea! Our universe, with all those galaxies with things inside that we can hardly dare imagine, could be one, or it could have another mess of universes. Which begs the question; when does it stop? Does it ever stop? What’s outside? Is it just empty white, is it filled with our wildest dreams and deepest desires? That’s the part of science I tend to dislike. I hate that as soon as you think you’ve gotten your answer, another appears! That’s where religion steps in.

Religion is faith, where Science is fact, or theories. Religion is believing, that somewhere out there is a higher power, a deity, a god, a spirit, nothing at all that has some impact on our day to day lives. Religion can fill all of those gaps in science that can be so frustrating at times. With religion, you can say that the entire purpose of living, is to reach the other side. It was a measure of your worth, an entry ticket into eternal bliss or the Hell of the Damned. Some religions believe you can be incarnated, either here, or some completely alternate dimension. That’s always a comforting thought that you won’t cease to exist entirely.

I hope that people can build upon these ideas, and hopefully correct me if I messed up somewhere. So which argument presents the better side? What are your thoughts?