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aloharocker Offline
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Name: Steffani
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Re: Do you have a mental illness? - February 22nd 2009, 06:49 PM

  • Have you had a mental illness?
I've been diagnosed with severe depression with suicidal tendencies & social anxiety disorder along with a few potential other things. I'm still waiting for an official psychological evaluation (long story)
  • Have you faced any discrimination for being mentally ill?
i've been fired from jobs, had school counselors basically laugh at me, my family doesn't accept it and makes that very clear.
  • Are there any positive things you have learned from having a mental illness
patience, tolerance

If you need someone to talk to, my PM box is always open.

I've been a member of TeenHelp on and off since I was 16.

Last edited by aloharocker; February 22nd 2009 at 10:26 PM. Reason: details
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