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pixietheangel Offline
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Name: pixie
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Re: Keep Relapsing into Bulimia - March 22nd 2011, 08:40 PM

well doen for stopping. cold turkey, thats so brave your amazing. Ok ive put together some ways that i hope will help you break the cycle. and thats all it is, dont let it daunt you its a cycle and you can break it. but dont be to hard on yourself, you might slip up its a process but keep going you can do it! i know it. xx
ok so first:
@ identify your trigger, something is makeing you feel like wanting to purge, is it stress? friends? lonleness? once you know what it is you can put a face to your illness which makes it easier to fight. join a club, tell someone, take breaks and work one step at a time.
@consider medication/professional help. your doctor may be able to prescribe you something to stop you feeling depressed, etc. x
@improve your self esteem, this is normally a main cause/contriubutor. if you give yourself no reason to bing and throw up because ur happy in your skin then you wont ever fel the need to do it again. some steps to do this by are, giving yourself compliments, accepting compliments, writing a journal and everyday puting in something good about yourself/something youve acheived/a c ompliment someone gave you. if you can get rid of a distroted self ima ge and realsie your perfect, and your not fat then you should be ahppy with eating. thees nothing wrong with esting or with you xx
@ eat regularly at intervals, if you have a routine you will find it easyier to stick to eating sensibly and safely xxx
@ be honest. tell everyone you trust how you feel and what your going through. be honest with yourself about why your doing it and how you feel
Change your mindset about overindulging. Just because you binge or eat something you feel you shouldn’t, doesn’t mean you should scrap the entire day as a lost cause and purge. Take your recovery one day at a time and be patient with yourself. Relapse is inevitable but a necessary step in the recovery process
@get group treatment, it will spur you on and you wont have to hold it too yourself.
hope i helped. remember you dont deserve it. binging isnt bad, thinkpositive. you cando it xxxxxxx pm me if you need anything xxxx <3 love pixie

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