for those of you who have been bullied..let me share my story with you -
March 12th 2011, 06:54 AM
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as i read these posts about bullying...
first of heart goes out to each and everyone of you who is being bullied...
allow me to share my experince with you all...
from the 4th grade to the 12 grade..i was bullied very badly by other kids...
the words "retard,worthless..loser..just about every hurtful word you could ever call someone..i was it...
i was never invited to any parties..any dances..i didnt even go to my senior prom because of it..
everyday for more then 8 was unbearable...even at didnt stop...
as people walked in pairs to receive their diplomas..i walked fact i was the ONLY one in the entire school who did that...
the abuse started when i was ten..and contuined till i was eighteen..
people would call me names..threaten me in class...etc..
by the time i reached my didnt get any better..which led to my first suicide attempt...
and one time when i was a senior..after i had brought a rope to school..a classmate turned to me and said in his words"why dont you go hang yourself with one will care...
but their was a important lesson i learned...most people who are bullied deal with it in two ways...
A:the person turns his or her anger,pain depression, outward...which can led to the person wanting to kill the bully like a school shooting ...etc
B:the person turns that pain,depression,anger,...inward..which can lead to self destructive acts such as self harm...or suicide
all i can tell people that you are not alone ...because like you..i have gone through years and years of bullying...
i hope people here will read this and take my advice..its not worth dying for...
i hope this post will help people here
take it from someone who knows..and who has been right where you are