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Re: @Atheists: Do you hate religion? - March 8th 2011, 08:07 AM

I am a very atheistic individual. Those not familiar with me would deem my militant. I will tell you now, however, I am not.
Faith to me seems an aspect of life. How you view creation, the existence of a higher power and other spiritually-related matters. However, it should proceed no further than that. The Catholic Church possessing the greatest amount of funds of any organization on Earth is truly loatheable. I recognize the good they provide, but I believe such services should be secularlized; not biased toward any religion or ethnicity whatsoever. I mean honestly, how is claiming that condoms spread HIV/AIDS (Pope Bennedict XVI) at all helpful when the greatest epidemic of the disease is in African nations that do not provide contraception? How is the indoctrination of those weak and against their own ethnicities fair at all? And why should a sector of a religious organization not aiding human rights/ United Nations causes in any form be exempt from tax?
I believe in a society where we can affirm to our own beliefs after being informed of all religions and forms of science, not where we are indoctrinated from birth. I strive for secular nations, where religion has no influence over the government of the people. I wish for churches and other religious sectors to not be involved in "misions" for humanity, where instead volunteers on behalf of governments provide the aid needed across the globe. From here, they can be taxed, like any other private institution (although I do hold a view that captialism needs to be revised in order to loosen the grip CEOs have on society).
Religion has been the catalyst of the greatest massacres in human history, beside corrupt communism/socialism. But we must acknowledge that under the correct cirumstances, any form of faith can be non-hindering. Whether or not those are in the best interests of progression and non-biased attitudes is another matter altogether.

One million miles away...
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